Documents, Forms, and Policies
To request a translated version of any of the documents, please email with your request.
Programs Seeking Accreditation
- Eligibility Request: Please visit the Eligibility Request page for details and documents.
- Accreditation Handbook (Updated August 2024)
- Self-Study (updated September 2024): Download the self-study ahead of time to review the standards and requirements. The program will share the final self-study and supporting attachments/materials with ABAI electronically (please contact us about this process). Note: the standards were approved in 2015 and remain the same. The form has been updated since then and most recently in September 2024 for clarifications and editorial improvements. All applications submitted after January 1, 2025 must use this updated (Sept. 2024) version of the self-study report form.
- Data Tables: an optional spreadsheet to aid in the organization of statistical data required in the self-study application form (these data must be entered directly into the application).
Additional Resources:
- Guidance for Supervised Experiential Learning: Resources and guidance for supervised experiential learning, as prepared by a specialized committee focused on identifying experiential learning standards embedded in training programs.
- Guidance for the Thesis or Equivalent Standard: (updated August 2023): The Accreditation Board's guidance for the Thesis or Equivalent standard. This updated guidance issued in August 2023 and replaces previous guidance issued in March 2023 and October 2022.
- Guidance for Separating Programs: These guidelines are designed to aid in determining whether the program structure and modalities warrant separate designations and applications. If your program offers more than one modality (online and on-campus), please briefly answer the following questions and email the completed document to for further support.
Accredited Programs
- Change Report Form: Accredited programs must complete this form to notify the Board of changes to the program and institution.
- Policy on Disclosure of Accreditation Status: Accredited programs disclose their accreditation status in advertising and all relevant materials. Programs undergoing review for accreditation do not disclose their status as indicated in the policy.
- Annual Report Requirements: Each accredited program is required to submit an annual report to the Board, providing statistical data and other information about the sponsor institution, program(s), faculty, and students. The information submitted in the annual report is used to update ABAI Accreditation Board records to help determine whether the program continues to comply with the accreditation standards. The document provides the questions for advanced review - programs submit their reports electronically.
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