Applying for Accreditation
Programs seeking initial accreditation or reaccreditation are required to verify eligibility and then submit a self-study, which is a complete assessment of the program, led by program coordinator and involving faculty, students, and external stakeholders. The self-study process provides an opportunity for the administration and faculty to examine the program in light of the ABAI Accreditation Board standards and policies and to draft recommendations to improve the program and services for students. The self-study process allows an opportunity, once in an accreditation cycle, for the program to report on these assessment efforts and the current status of its accreditation compliance. The site visit team that evaluates the program will use the self-study as its primary reference.
Note: The program must communicate with ABAI to submit their self-study. The forms and materials are available in the documents section of our website and may be submitted via ABAI's or the institution's eletronic-sharing system. Please email with any questions or concerns about beginning the self-study process.
Applicants for initial accreditation may, at their option and expense, request a resource visit to assess their program’s readiness for accreditation and to provide consultation on the preparation of the self-study. Results from these visits do not guarantee a favorable outcome from the ABAI Accreditation Board. Program coordiantorsshould direct inquires about resource visits to